Scholarships and research projects
In order to promote the research and the knowledge of the culture and of the modern art in Naples
and the study of still life painting, the Foundation may assign with a public notice of competition
scholarships for scholars who have as an aim topics pertaining to such specific fields of study,
promote or finance completely or in part research projects, publish the results of such studies
considered of particular value by the scientific committee.
The Foundation organizes on its own or in collaboration with other Associations and cultural
Institutes activities of conferences, lectures, meetings dedicated to the in-depth study and to the
propagation of the knowledge on topics of Neapolitan art and of still life.
In addition to the yearbook, the Foundation personally manages or contributes to the publication
of works of a rigorous scientific nature on issues related to its specific fields of activity.
Thanks to the contribut of Foundation has been published in 2012 the monograph volume of Giuseppe Scavizzi e Giuseppe De Vito Luca Giordano giovane (1550-1564). There is foreseen in collaboration with the Association "Amici
della Natura Morta" established at the Fondazione Longhi and with the faculty of Botany of the
University of Florence and Siena, to the Repertorio scientifico e iconografico di frutta e ortaggi, a
useful tool for the classification of paintings of still life.
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